My photography isn’t necessarily what one would call romantic, so it was with some trepidation that I agreed to enter some work in the February (Valentine’s) Show. Cupid and Psyche is not the Antonio Canova plaster sculpture from 1793, but a marble reproduction marking a grave at the entrance to the Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Hollywood, CA. In my opinion, the crass repro is a more lovely work than the dingy original at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art.
HeartRide is a recent digital print of something I shot back when the earth’s crust was still cooling, probably on high-speed Ektachrome at a carnival. Nothing compares with slide film for zero exposure latitude!
NYHearts is a storefront I shot in New York’s East Village in December 2005. I had the digital SLR and shot at 1600 ISO. Then, I Photoshopped the living hell out of it to make it warm and fuzzy!
Come see these and other work put up by members of the Philadelphia Photographic Society!
Joe’s Coffee Bar
1100 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107